Coaching That Fits You!
Coaching at Turnaround Sports is all about meeting you where you are and getting you to where you want to go. We provide multisport and individual coaching along with consults and group training. Find what fits your needs here.
Head Coach Tyler - One on One
Bronze Level Coaching
$180 Month
Silver Level Coaching
$265 Month
Gold Level Coaching
$360 Month
Targeted workouts through TrainingPeaks
Workout data review
Limited schedule adjustments
2 emails a month
Targeted workouts through TrainingPeaks
Workout data review
1 call/check-in a month
Schedule adjustments
Up to 4 emails a month
Targeted workouts through TrainingPeaks
Daily workout review
Unlimited calls/check-ins
Unlimited schedule adjustments
Unlimited emails a month
Associate Coach - One on One
Bronze Level Coaching
$120 Month
Silver Level Coaching
$180 Month
Gold Level Coaching
$250 Month
Targeted workouts through TrainingPeaks
Workout data review
Limited schedule adjustment a month
2 emails a month
Targeted workouts through TrainingPeaks
Workout data review
1 call/check-in a month
2 monthly schedule adjustment a month
Up to 4 emails a month
Targeted workouts through TrainingPeaks
Daily workout review
Unlimited calls/check-ins
Unlimited schedule adjustments
Unlimited emails a month
Consultation and Group Training
Athlete Consultation
Group Training
1 Hour discussion via or video call.
Feedback on a race, training strategies, or data review?
Questions about how to set-up your season?
Have other questions?
Let's talk about ways to help you the most today!
Targeted training on TrainingPeaks
Group feedback on how to get the most out of your training.
Adjustments as needed.
Group calls to help everyone stay on track.
Group plan modifications